分别用内切纤维素酶(EGI)和木聚糖酶(Xyn)复配得到的混合酶和由二者通过基因融合得到的融合酶,对混合办公废纸(MOW)进行脱墨。研究发现混合酶最佳处理条件为木聚糖酶与纤维素酶复配比例为2∶3(体积比)、p H7.0、酶处理时间60 min、脱墨温度55℃,融合酶最佳处理条件为酶用量0.6 IU/g、p H7.0、酶处理时间60 min、脱墨温度55℃。比较两种复合酶的脱墨效果发现,融合酶脱墨效果明显好于混合酶,融合酶脱墨纸页的白度明显高于混合酶,可以达到94.14%ISO,残余油墨量也较低,可以降为160 058(个/m2)。
In this study, mixed enzyme of cellulose and xylanase and the fusion enzyme of cellulose and xylanase obtained by gene fusion were respectively used for mixed office waste (MOW)deinking. The whiteness and residual ink points of the paper made were tested to compare their deinking effect. The study found that the best treatment conditions of mixed enzyme were that the ratio of xylanase with cellulase was 2 : 3, the best processing conditions of fusion enzyme was 0.6 IU/g for dosage. Both these two enzymes had best deinking effect at pH7.0, enzymatic treatment time 60 min, deinking temperature 55℃. The study found that the effect of fusion enzyme deinkingwas better than the mixed enzyme deinking. The brightness of the paper after fusion enzyme deinking was obviously higher than mixed enzyme deinking, residual ink points of the paper after fusion enzyme deinking also decreased. The whiteness of the paper after fusion enzyme deinking could reach 94.14%ISO and its residual ink point was the lowest, to 160 058 (Number/m^2).
Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology