在19世纪70~90年代的中国,当指称"mental philosophy"与"psychology"时,译者主要使用了"性学"、"心理(学)"、"性理(学)"、"心才学"、"心灵学"和"心学"等6个名称。据现有史料,尽管汉语"心理学"一词由执权居士于1872年首译,但当时并未受到中国学人的重视。现在通行的汉语"心理学"一词是来自日本人西周,经康有为与梁启超等人的共同努力才逐渐被中国人所接受,并于1902年以后被普遍使用。汉语"心理学"一词在这场"比赛"中能够最终胜出,内因是既受中国文化传统和思维方式的影响,又为避免将一门新兴学科等同于旧学科从而产生"新瓶装旧酒"的误会;外因是中国新学科体系在创建时深受日本和西方国家的影响。
A In 19th Century 70- 90s in China,when referred to "mental philosophy" or "psychology", the translators mainly used six names: "Xingxuue", "Xinli (xue) ", "Xingli (xue) ", "Xincaixue", and "Xinxue". Aceording to the latest historical materials, although "Xinlixue" was originally put forward by Zhi Quan Jushi in 1872, it had no far - reaching effects in Chinese academic circles. The Chi- nese term of "Xinlixue" which is prevailing in modem China now probably derived from a translation of Haven' s psychology, which was put forward by Japanese Amane Nishi in 1875 ,and followed by Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao,Yan Fu, Wang Guowei and Cai Yuanpei, and gradually accepted and acknowledged by modem Chinese, and came into eommon use after 1902 in China. Chinese term "Xinlixue" eventually won out in this "race", its internal cause is the influence of Chinese cultural tradition and the thinking style, and avoiding to equate a new discipline to the old discipline so as to result in a misunderstanding of "new wine in the old bottle" ;the external eause is that the creation of a new Chinese course system was influenced by Japanese and Western countries deeply.
Psychological Exploration