
砷甲基化代谢及砷中毒发病风险因素研究进展 被引量:16

Effects of aresnic metabolism on methylation capability and risk of arsenicosis: a review
摘要 长期慢性砷暴露会引发多系统、多器官损伤,如皮肤癌、膀胱癌、高血压、糖尿病等,其所造成的危害,目前已在全世界范围内成为一个严重的公共卫生问题。有研究显示,砷的甲基化代谢能力与砷中毒的发生及其病情的严重程度密切相关。除了性别、年龄、砷暴露水平等个体因素以外,环境和遗传因素对机体内砷的甲基化代谢及砷中毒发病风险均具有显著影响。因此,了解影响砷甲基化代谢的遗传因素和环境因素,有助于发现降低砷中毒发病风险防治关键点。本文在此就影响砷甲基化代谢及砷中毒发病风险的相关因素进行综述。 Chronic exposure to aresnic can cause many damages of tissues and organs, such as skin cancer, bladder cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. Arsenic-related health damage has been a serious public health problem worldwide. It has been reported that the occurrence of chronic arsenic poisoning and the severity of arsenic-related damages are closely related to the methylation capability of aresnic metabolism. In addition to gender, age,level of arsenic exposure and other individual factors, environmental and genetic factors have significant impact on the methylation of arsenic metabolism and the risk of arsenic poisoning. Thus, understanding of the effects of genetic and environmental factors on arsenic methyla- tion can help to identify the key points which will be useful in reducing the risk of chronic arsenic poisoning. In this pa- per, we made a review on the relevant factors which affects the capability of arsenic methylation and the risk of chronic arsenic poisoning.
作者 殷秀岩 李昕
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期848-852,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 国家自然科学基金(81372933)
关键词 砷中毒 甲基化 基因多态性 易感性 arsenic poisoning aresnic methylation gene polymorphisms susceptility
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