
Mesozoic long-term eustatic cycles and their uncertain hierarchy 被引量:1

Mesozoic long-term eustatic cycles and their uncertain hierarchy
摘要 Global sea-level has changed in a cyclic manner through geologic history, but the regularities of these changes are yet to be fully understood. Despite certain (and sometimes significant) differences, the available Mesozoic eustatic curves permit the outlining of long-term eustatic cycles, which are provi- sionally defined as cycles recognizable at the stage level and higher. Interpretation of the Triassic eustatic curves indicates two orders of long-term cycles and a lst-order sea-level rise throughout the entire period. The Jurassic eustatic curves imply cyclicity of one or two orders, and a 1st-order eustatic rise during the entire period is also evident. Most challenges are interpretations for the Cretaceous; two to four orders of long-term eustatic cycles can be established for this period. Generally, the hierarchy of the long-term eustatic cycles might have changed through the Mesozoic. If so, and if one considers differences of cycles of the same order between the periods of this era, it is difficult to apply "standard" hierarchical classifications to the documented cycles. The hypothetical uncertainty of the hierarchy of the Mesozoic long-term eustatic cycles is an imoortant challenge for modern researchers. Global sea-level has changed in a cyclic manner through geologic history, but the regularities of these changes are yet to be fully understood. Despite certain (and sometimes significant) differences, the available Mesozoic eustatic curves permit the outlining of long-term eustatic cycles, which are provi- sionally defined as cycles recognizable at the stage level and higher. Interpretation of the Triassic eustatic curves indicates two orders of long-term cycles and a lst-order sea-level rise throughout the entire period. The Jurassic eustatic curves imply cyclicity of one or two orders, and a 1st-order eustatic rise during the entire period is also evident. Most challenges are interpretations for the Cretaceous; two to four orders of long-term eustatic cycles can be established for this period. Generally, the hierarchy of the long-term eustatic cycles might have changed through the Mesozoic. If so, and if one considers differences of cycles of the same order between the periods of this era, it is difficult to apply "standard" hierarchical classifications to the documented cycles. The hypothetical uncertainty of the hierarchy of the Mesozoic long-term eustatic cycles is an imoortant challenge for modern researchers.
出处 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期503-511,共9页 地学前缘(英文版)
关键词 Global sea-leve Eustatic cycle Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Global sea-leve Eustatic cycle Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous
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