目的对1例存在多系统血型抗体的患者血样做抗体鉴定。方法采用盐水介质试管法筛选和鉴定Ig M类抗体,用LISS-Coombs卡筛选和鉴定Ig G类抗体,同时采用巯基试剂DTT破坏Ig M抗体及酶处理谱细胞进行抗体鉴定。结果患者血清中同时存在Duffy系统的抗体抗-Fya,Rh系统的抗体抗-c、E及Kidd系统的抗体抗-Jka。结论抗体鉴定发现该患者单次输血后产生了多系统血型同种抗体。
Objective To identify the multiple RBC antibodies in a patient's blood sample. Methods IgM-type anti- bodies were screened and identified by saline-mediated method. IgG-type antibodies were screened and identified by .LISS- Coombs card agglutinin test. Meantime, IgM antibodies were broken down using sulhydryl reagents and were screened and identified using enzyme treated panel tells. Results Patient's serum consisted of the following antibodies : anti-Fya in the Duffy system, anti-c, E in Rh system and anti-Jka in Kidd system. Conclusion Patient induced multiple RBC antibodies against Fya, E, c and Jka after single RBC transfusion.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion