
台生政治偏好和投票倾向调研报告——以中部某地区高校台生群体为样本 被引量:5

A Survey Report on Political Preference and Voting Intent of Students from Taiwan in Mainland
摘要 台生群体的政治偏好和投票倾向是关系两岸关系和平发展的重要议题。通过对中部某地区台生群体的调研,台生群体的政治偏好,以及在2014年底台湾地区"九合一"选举中所体现的投票倾向,有着鲜明的特点,完全不同于"台生偏向国民党"、"台生回台投票一定投给国民党"的习惯性认知。台生对岛内政治普遍持冷漠态度,受家庭影响较大且并不认同政治因素会对两岸关系和平发展造成逆转性影响,这些都是加强台生工作时需要注意的几个特点。 The political preference and voting intent of students from Taiwan in mainland is an important issue of peaceful development of Cross-Strait relations. Through the investigation of students from Taiwan in central region of China, we found several distinctive features of political preference and voting intend of students from Taiwan in the 2014 Taiwan local elections which are completely different from the habitual cognition of “students from Taiwan in mainland tending to support the Kuomintang” and “students from Tai- wan in mainland definitely voting to the Kuomintang”. students from Taiwan in mainland generally indifferent to the politics of Taiwan, they are under the influence of family, and disagree withthe statement that the ex- change of ruling party will do harm to the trend of peaceful development of Cross-Strait relations. It is nec- essary to pay more attention to all of these characteristics in the affair involving students from Taiwan in ma-inland.
作者 祝捷 赖彦君
出处 《台湾研究》 2015年第3期26-37,共12页 Taiwan Studies
基金 司法部项目两岸政治关系合情合理安排(14SFB5006)资助
关键词 台生群体 政治偏好 投票倾向 问卷调查 Students from Taiwan in Mainland Political Preference Voting Intent Questionnaire Survey
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