

Research of Mining Three Level Inverter Based on DSP
摘要 变频器三电平与两电平相比较可以使功率器件所承受的直流母线电压减小1/2,抑制输出电压谐波。使电机温升大幅降低。论述的矿用隔爆兼本质安全型三电平变频器具有结构简单、体积小,调速范围宽,节能显著,维护维修量小的优点。 Three level inverter as compared to the traditional two level ,It can make the main switch devices withstand the voltage reduced by hallo Because the output one more level, it can make the du/ dt reduced by half, so that the harmonic of the output voltage decreases. Greatly reduce the motor temperature rise. This paper discussed the mining flameproof and intrinsically safe type three level converter has the advantages of simple structure, small volume, wide speed range, has the advantages of obvious energy saving, small amount of maintenance maintenance.
作者 张星云
出处 《煤矿机械》 2015年第6期122-123,共2页 Coal Mine Machinery
关键词 三电平变频器 空间电压矢量 APF有源整流 three level inverter space voltage vector APF active rectifier
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