
德国能源转型及其对新治理形式的需求 被引量:4

On the German Energiewende and Demand for New Forms of Governance
摘要 从分阶段弃核到分阶段逐步淘汰核能,再回到分阶段弃核,德国经历了数十载才做出了放弃核能的决定。对此,德国联邦政府表明自己对于2022年最终弃核和转向一个低碳的未来社会的决心显得尤为重要。能源转型呼唤对能源体制的深刻改造,使其从依赖核能和化石燃料进口转变为主要建立在可再生能源的基础之上。为此,德国面临着一个需要在能源生产体系、生产技术和过程、交通结构、城市规划、建筑业、农业甚至生活方式方面都进行深刻转变的挑战。这些转变将会提供很多崭新的机遇,以提高我们居住社区的质量。同时,也会有一些科技的、政治的、经济的或社会的必须克服的阻碍。如果没有德国联邦制架构中不同层级政府之间的密切协调,没有德国及其邻国和欧盟之间的密切协调,所期望的如此大规模的变革是不可能发生的。能源转型治理面对的挑战是巨大的,而德国面临的机遇也同样是巨大的。 Germany has experienced decades to make the decision to abandon nuclear energy, going through shifts in policies of phasing out its use of nuclear energy. The federal government of Germany is now committed to the future of phasing out nuclear energy and realizing the transition toward low carbon energy by 2022. The Ger- (energy transition) calls for a far-reaching transformation of Germany's energy system, from one dominated by nuclear energy and imports of fossil fuels to one based heavily on renewable energy. Germany is facing a dramatic challenge--one that requires sweeping transformations in energy producing systems, produ- cing technologies and processes, transportation structures, urban planning, construction, agriculture, and even life styles. The transition will provide new opportunities for improving the communities we live in. Yet, there will also be hurdles--some will be technical, others will be political, economic, or social. A transformation on such scale being planned cannot happen without considerable degree of coordination among different levels of govern- ment within Germany's federal structure as well as among Germany, its neighbors, and the European Union. The governance challenges are significant but the opportunities for Germany are also great.
出处 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期12-18,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University:Social Science Edition
关键词 能源转型 分阶段弃核 可再生能源 欧盟治理 环境政治 energy transition phase-out renewable energy European Union governance environmental politics
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