
一种新型大功率无损缓冲Buck变换器的研究 被引量:2

Reasearch on a Novel High-power Buck Converter Using Loss-less Snubber
摘要 提出了一种优化的高速电机驱动电路。在传统的三相逆变电路前端加入多路交错并联的无损缓冲Buck变换器,实现了开关管的零电流开通(ZCS)、零电压关断(ZVS),从而解决了高开关频率下的损耗问题,提高了系统的效率及可靠性。同时多路无损缓冲电路共用一个二极管和电感,可有效减小变换器体积,提高功率密度。详细分析了该变换器的原理,并通过实验验证了分析和设计的正确性和可行性。 An optimized high speed motor drive circuit is proposed.It's a multipath interleaved parallel Buck converter using loss-less snubber added in front of the traditional three-phase inverter circuit to realize zero current switching (ZCS)and zero voltage switching (ZVS), so as to solve the loss problem under high switching frequency, the efficiency and reliability of the system are improved.Meanwhile,sharing one diode and one inductance in the muhipath loss-less snubber can effectively reduce the converter volume and improve the power density.The principles of the proposed new soft-switching Buck converter are explained detailedly.The experimental results verify the analysis of the converter and the feasibility of the design.
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期47-49,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 变换器 交错并联 无损缓冲 converter interleaved parallel loss-less snubber
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