目的对上海市浦东新区2013—2014年HIV抗体筛查阳性标本确证实验结果进行分析,给HIV抗体检测工作提供指导依据。方法对690例初筛阳性的标本进行复检,对545例HIV抗体筛查检测阳性样品采用免疫印迹法(WB)进行确证检测,对确证结果不确定者进行随访复查。结果 690例初筛阳性标本经2种试剂复检,阴性145例,阴性率为21.01%;+/+或-/+共有545例,阳性率为78.99%。545例筛查阳性者中,确证HIV-1抗体阳性464例,阳性率为85.14%;阴性38例,阴性率为6.97%;不确定结果43例,占筛查阳性的7.89%。HIV-1抗体阳性者中反应条带gpl60和gpl20的出现率最高,均为100%;p17和p55出现率较低,为47.20%和26.72%。不确定的43例中,gp160和p24的组合带型最多,占41.86%,其中25例转为确定者带型分别为gpl60、gp120、gp41、p66及p24组合模式。结论确证为HIV-1抗体阳性中各带型出现的几率有所差别,HIV抗体不确定者,应谨慎处理,加强随访检测。
OBJECTIVE To analyze the results of confirmatory test on the HIV antibody screening positive samples in Shanghai Pudong New Area between 2013 and 2014. Provide guidance to the detection of HIV antibody. METHODS Re-do the screening test on 690 positive tested samples. Do the confirmatory test on the 545 HIV Screening positive samples by using Western Blot. Indefinite sam- ples are followed up and checked regularly. RESULT Retest the 690 positive screening test samples with two reagents. 145 of them are negative, which rate was 21.01%. 545 of them are +/+ or-/+, which rate was 78.99%. In these 545 samples, 464 were HIV-1 antibody positive, which rate was 85.14%, 38 were negative, which rate was 6.97%. 43 were indefinite, which rate was 7.89%. Both gpl60 and gpl20 Reaction band 100%-happen in the HIV-I antibody positive samples. Occurrence rate of p17 and p55 was low- er, which was 47.20% and 26.72%. In the indefinite samples, gpl60 and p24 were the top combined type band, which rate was 41.86%. 25 indefinite samples were confirmed as positive, whose reaction band were the combination of gpl60, gp120, gp41, p66, p24. CONCLUSION The probability of each band type in HIV-I antibody positive samples were different. For indefinite re- sult, it should handle them with more care and conduct follow-up survey.
Chinese Primary Health Care
HIV antibody
screening test
confirmatory test
Western Blot