科技创新能提高企业竞争力 ,但只能在某种条件下通过适当的方式和途径才能实现竞争力的转换。首先要有市场需求 ;其次科技必须经过生产制造环节 ,通过产品才能体现出竞争力。据此 ,讨论了科技转化为竞争力的过程中存在着的科技、市场与生产之间的三角关系 ,指出只有当三者之间处于和谐一致时 ,科技才可能顺利地转化为竞争力。
S&T innovation can promote competitive force of enterprises,but only can it be realized under certain condition. Transformation of science and technology into competitive force must go through a special procedure. First there must be market demand;And then the science and technology mast be used by production system to produce products,which can present the competitive force of the science and technology. It discusses the relations among technology,market and production in this process. It indicates when the relations are in perfect coordination,the technology can be smoothly converted into competitive force.
R&D Management