

Analysis on Research Focus of Application of Information Technology in Medicine Based on Bibliometric
摘要 运用文献双向聚类以及信息可视化方法,对信息技术在医学领域应用所产生伦理问题的相关研究文献,按主题词频率分析得到相应的研究热点,并将这些文献按照主题进行聚类,以把握当前国际上该方向研究的主要内容及趋势。目前国外已进行相当数量的研究但内容较为分散。信息技术的介入使某些医学伦理问题更加严重,有的则需要重新考虑。信息技术应用提出了关于电子健康档案和基因数据库的伦理问题等新议题,引起了比较集中的讨论。医学领域的信息技术应用是多学科交叉的领域,其伦理问题的讨论需要多学科、多专业的参与。 Based on biclustering analysis of literature and information visualization, the relevant literatures on ethical issues of the practical application of information technology in medicine were analyzed by frequencies of MeSH terms and clustered by subjects to grasp the international research status and hotspots. The results showed that there were quite a few ethics studies induced by information technology but with dispersed research contents. The application of information technology in medicine raises more serious ethical issues, which need to be reconsidered and widely discussed, such as ethical issues of electronic health record and gene databases. In conclusion, information technology in medicine is a muhidisciplinary field requiring more interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation of its ethics researches.
作者 刘辉 李维
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2015年第6期32-34,54,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 信息技术 双向聚类分析 伦理审视 information technology, biclustering analysis, ethical examination
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