

Effect of Piezoelectric Film Thickness on Energy Harvesting Performance of d_(15) Mode PZT-51 Cantilever Beam
摘要 设计并制作了压电层厚度分别为0.6mm、0.7mm、0.8mm、0.9mm的d15模式层合串联结构PZT-51压电悬臂梁俘能器。测量了开路和1.0 MΩ负载下,俘能器的振动频率与输出电压和输出功率的关系曲线,以及1.0 MΩ负载时的振动激励电压与输出峰-峰值电压关系曲线。结果表明,随着压电层厚度的减少,压电俘能器的谐振频率降低,输出电压和功率增大。压电层厚度为0.6 mm的压电俘能器具有最大开路输出电压1.69 V,在1.0 MΩ负载下最大输出功率为0.708μW。 The dis mode PZT-51 piezoelectric energy harvesters(PEHs), which of piezoelectric layer thicknesses were 0.6 mm,0.7 mm,0.8 mm,and 0.9 mm respectively,were designed and fabricated. The curves of vibration frequency versus output voltage and output power were measured at open circuit and load resistance of 1 MΩ, and the dependence of output peak-peak voltage on input vibration excitation voltage was also tested at load resistance of 1 MΩ. It is shown that with the decrease of piezoelectric layer thickness, the resonant frequency of PEH decreases, while the output voltage and output power increase. The laminated structure d15 mode PZT-51 PEH with piezoelec- tric layer thickness of 0.6 mm shows the maximum open circuit output peak voltage of 1.69 V and maximum output power of O, 708 μW at load resistance of 1 MΩ
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期493-496,共4页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51272158) 长江学者奖励计划基金资助项目([2009]17) 上海市自然科学基金资助项目(14ZR1428000)
关键词 d15模式 PZT-51 压电俘能器 层合结构 悬臂梁 d15 mode PZT-51 piezoelectric energy harvester laminated structure cantilever beam
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