

Rent in Transition Economy and Capital in the 21st Century:Regression of Distribution Issue in Analysis Paradigm of China Economy
摘要 经济学说史的反思表明:第一、分配问题在古典经济学中占据了重要的地位,但是在主流经济学说的发展过程中却被忽略了;第二、租金是分配问题古典分析的起点和中心。借此强调在转型社会里需要更多关注的是租金机制;并认为中国作为转型社会遇到的是两个问题的合体:转型社会里的租金机制与21世纪的资本运营。在这些观点基础上,提出在当前要更重视分配问题,注意中国转型与发展过程的租金扩散过程的财富分配;顺应中国的经济发展,提出从古典租金机制转向熊彼特租金机制,促进有序竞争、推进创新型国家的战略实施。 To rethink profoundly through the history of economic theory,it shows that,firstly,the distribution issue occupies an important position in the classical economics,but it has been ignored in the process of the development of mainstream economic theory; secondly,the rent is the starting point and the center of classical analysis of distribution problem. This paper stresses that we should pay close attention to the mechanism of rent in the transitional society. As a transition economy,China meets two issue of synthesis: capital operation mechanism of rent and the capital in the 21 st Century. On the basis of these viewpoints,this paper proposes to pay more attention to the distribution problem in the current distribution of wealth,pay attention to rent diffusion process with China's transformation and development. In conform to China 's development,this paper puts forward the transition from the classical rent- mechanism to Schumpeter's rent mechanism,to promote orderly competition and implementation of the innovation- oriented country strategy.
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期5-18,322,共14页 Academics
基金 "江苏省‘十二五’重点(培育)学科--理论经济学"(苏教研〔2011〕14号) "南京审计学院校级重点学科--理论经济学"(南审研发〔2013〕18号) 南京审计学院人才引进基金项目资助
关键词 分配问题 转型社会 租金 21世纪的资本 distribution transition society rent capital in the 21st Century
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