

On James Baldwin's Reference to and Transcendence of The Bible in His Ideas on Children
摘要 鲍德温的儿童观是其文学思想的有机组成部分,其价值取向与叙事模式均昭示出与基督教《圣经》的浓厚血缘关系。这种明显的"互文性"实质上是传承与超越的并置,很大程度上暗合了布鲁姆的"影响的焦虑"理论。鲍德温创造性地拓展了《圣经》儿童的神性内涵,将其指向宗教伦理所不容的"淫乱",以"异教徒"姿态宣告了其宗教立场的世俗化。鲍氏儿童观既有根深蒂固的神学基础,更不乏深刻的哲学思辨,其人文关怀彰显出挑战流俗陈规、张扬边缘人性的"另类"道德家气度。 Baldwin’s ideas on children are an important part of his literary ideas,whose value orientation and narrative style are closely modeled on The Bible.In fact,the obvious intertextuality is the juxtaposition of inheritance and transcendence, which coincides with Harold Bloom’s theory “The Anxiety of Influence”to a great extent.Baldwin creatively expands the di-vine connotations of the Bible children which are applied to the religiously sexual promiscuities,his pagan stance declaring the secularization of his religion.Baldwin’s ideas on children are deeply rooted in both theology and philosophy.His humanism shows that he is a unique moralist challenging traditional values and promoting marginal human nature.His ideas on children are,therefore,an effective perspective for the study of his religious thoughts.
作者 张学祥
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期156-160,共5页 Qilu Journal
关键词 詹姆斯·鲍德温 《圣经》 儿童观 影响的焦虑 生命哲学 James Baldwin The Bible ideas on children the anxiety of influence life philosophy
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