
兆瓦级风电齿轮增速箱动力耦合系统动力学建模及分析 被引量:1

Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of the Power Coupled System in Megawatt Wind Power Speed-increasing Gearbox
摘要 以载荷分流式两级行星加一级平行轴风电齿轮增速箱为研究对象,考虑了低速级、中速级和高速级上行星齿轮机构和平行轴齿轮的啮合刚度、支撑刚度、扭转耦合刚度,建立了考虑径向和扭转偏差的动力学模型。分析该模型的固有特性,将振型分为位移振动模态和扭转振动模态,并得到各模态振动特点。改变各级之间扭转耦合刚度数值大小,得到了扭转耦合刚度数值变化对低速级与中速级和中速级与高速级之间耦合振动状态的影响规律。通过改变各级之间构件的连接方式,可以减小或者避免各级齿轮在耦合振动工况下运行。 Taking the wind power speed - increasing gearbox of load distribution type with two - stage planetary one - stage parallel axis as study object, considering the meshing stiffness, supporting stiffness and torsional coupling stiffness of the planetary gear mechanism and parallel shaft gear at low speed stage, medium speed stage and high speed stage, the dynamics model with considering the radial direction deviation and torsion deviation is established. The inherent characteristic of the model is analyzed, the vibration mode is divided into displacement vibration modal and torsional vibration modal and the vibration characteristics of each modal are obtained. Through changing the numerical size at all stages torsion coupling stiffness, the influence law of tor- sional coupling stiffness numerical variation on the coupling vibration state between low speed stage and medium speed stage, and medium speed stage and high speed stage is obtained. Through changing the connection types of all stages, the gear at all stages running at the coupling vibration condition can be decreased or avoided.
作者 王春光
出处 《机械传动》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期111-116,共6页 Journal of Mechanical Transmission
基金 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(课题编号:KJ132205)
关键词 风电齿轮增速箱 耦合刚度 动力学建模 固有特性 Wind power speed - increasing gearbox Coupled stiffness Dynamics modeling Inherent characteristic
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