Objective:To become common in children with allergic diseases in the regionshould the original features and provide scientific basis for the pre-ventionand treatment of allergic diseases. Methods:1035 cases of skin-prick inhaled allergens in children with original dust mites,house dust mites,pollen-Artemisia,humulus pollen,cat hair,dog hair,cockroaches,yeast;ingestion of allergens original milk,egg a total of 10 species. Application of saline andhista-mine liquid negative and positive controls. Results:1035 cases were skinprick test in children with inhaled dust mite allergens in the highest positiverate, which accounted for 28. 90% of dust mites,house dust mite account for 22. 92%. Allergen positive rate of children with age-related,the higher theage,the greater the positive response rate,which inhalant allergens inpre-school children show more obvious,after school age decreased. Conclusion:Respiratory al-lergic disease is usually induced by the allergens,dust mitesand house dust mite allergy is the most important source,which is an importantfactor in inducing allergic diseases,avoid contact with allergens,allergicdiseases can be prevented The occurrence and treatment guidance.
Nursing Practice and Research