Entrepreneurial environment is a dynamic system; its characteristic is dynamic, complexity and hostility. Entrepreneurial environment hostile hand increased entrepreneurial opportunity search, discovery, evaluation difficulty, on the other hand, give more information and resources, so that entrepreneurs have more opportunities. For enterprises, the more hostile environment, the possibilities of entrepreneurs choose high risk business opportunities to entrepreneurs more alert, more demanding. Only the relevant information and resources in entrepreneurial environment of scarcity, to judge and predict more, before the hostility to business environment changes can make accurate judgment, and to take measures in a timely manner. The positive effect of environmental dynamism on the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition performance in the dynamic environment, increase the difficulty of recognition of entrepreneurs, but also to promote the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition capability of growth.Entrepreneurs can create business opportunities through individual ability; this process can promote the entrepreneurial environment change. According to the different degree of the complexity of the environment, effect the analysis of entrepreneurs, the complexity of the environment on entrepreneurial opportunity identification showed positive effects, but also for the reverse effect.
Journal of Changchun Finance College
entrepreneurial environment
environmental characteristics
entrepreneurial opportunity recognition