
战国时期“邹鲁之风”的形成与演变 被引量:1

Formation and Evolution of the “Ethos of Zou and Lu( States)” During the Warring States Period
摘要 邹、鲁是两个文化渊源不同的东方古国。在春秋战国时期,以尊孔、崇儒、读经、传经为主要特征的"邹鲁之风"形成发展过程中,邹、鲁经历了二元一体的文化演变,成为一支以"邹鲁之风"为时代文化内涵的区域文化。"邹鲁之风"肇端孔子,始于鲁;兴于子思,扩于邹;盛于孟子,风行邹鲁,并由士风演变为世风,由邹鲁之地传播影响至全国。从楚墓郭店竹简发现的与思孟学派有关的活动情况,结合《庄子·天下篇》、《荀子·非十二子》综合分析,可以看出:战国"邹鲁之风"形成的骨干力量——邹鲁之士,实际即是思孟学派的广大成员。他们根植邹鲁,活跃四方,西至中原,南到长江,推动了邹鲁之风吹向全国。战国"邹鲁之风"是先秦儒学发展的重要推动力量,它为秦汉以后不绝于史的"邹鲁之风"在全国各地的落地生风,奠定了坚实的基础。 As two ancient states of different cultural origins in the east of China, Zou and Lu have underg- one a binary whole or two - in - one evolution in culture to become a regional culture with the "ethos or common practice of Zou and Lu" as its cultural connotation of the age through its formation and develop- ment characterized by Confucius -worship, Confucianism -worship, reading and passing on its classics as its main characteristics during the Warring States Period. It traced back to Confucius, and began in Ln state ; gave rise to by Zisi, and spread in Zou state ; and flourished in the time of Mencius, and was pre- dominant in Zou and Lu, and finally became a common practice of the world from that of the scholar - bureaucrat, and was spread and influenced the whole China. Viewed from the relevant activities of the Mencius -recollecting (Simeng) school found from the Guodian Chu -tomb bamboo slips, and combined with a comprehensive analysis from the perspective of Tianxia (land under heaven) in Zhuangi and Fei Shierzi in Xunzi, it is evident that, the scholars - bureaucrats of Zou and Lu, or the backbones of its for- mation, are , as a matter of fact, the numerous members of the Mencius -recollecting (Simeng) school. They were from Zou and Lu, but active everywhere, as far as to the Central Plains in the west and to the Yangtze River down in the south, thus spreading it all over China. And it is an important driving force for the development of the pre - Qin Confucianism, and has laid down a solid foundation for the taking root in the whole of China of the "ethos or common practice of Zou and Lu" which is ever present in history.
作者 王志民
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第3期21-32,共12页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的国家社会科学基金课题"齐鲁文化与周秦文明重心的演变"(08BZS006)的阶段性成果
关键词 邹鲁之风 儒学 文化传播 ethos or common practice of Zou and Lu Confucianism cultural transmission
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