目的:了解华亭县目前中草药资源以及植物物种多样性资源,为教育、科研等相关部门提供有关资源参考信息,并促进该县中草药资源的开发、利用和保护。方法:在全国第四次中药资源普查的基础上,通过野外实地普查以及资料查阅,从价值、分布等方面对华亭县天南星科植物多样性及中草药资源进行系统调查。结果:天南星科植物在华亭县境内分布有11属,16种,1变型,花南星Ar i saema l obat um Engl.、刺柄南星Ar i saema asper at um N.E.Br own.、独角莲Typhoni um gi gant eum Engl.为华亭分布新纪录。具药用价值的有5属9种1变型;观赏价值6属7种;此外,魔芋属Amor phophal l us与龟背竹属Monst er a植物还具有食用价值。结论:华亭县天南星科植物资源丰富,对天南星科药用植物的开发利用是下一步研究的关键。
Objective: To provide reference information of the related resources for relevant departments of education, scientific research and others, promote the development, utilization and protection of traditional Chinese medicine resources by investigating traditional Chinese medicine resources, the diversity of plant species in Huating county. Methods: On the foundation of the forth national survey of traditional Chinese medicine resources, traditional Chinese medicine resources and the diversity of araceae plant in Huating county were systematically analyzed from the values and the distribution by field survey and consulting the information. Results:There are 11 genera, 16 species and one variation of araceae plant in Huating county, among which Arisaema lobatum Engl., Arisaema asperatum N.E.Brown. and Typhonium giganteum Engl. are the new records. Five genera, nine species and one variation are of officinal values;six genera and seven species are ornamental plants;besides, Amorphophallus and Monstera plants are of edible value. Conclusion: Huating county is abundant in araceae species, development and utilization of araceae species are the key issues to study in the next step.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine