
护理本科生自我同情与特质情绪智力的相关性研究 被引量:9

The relationship between self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence in undergraduate nursing students
摘要 目的调查护理本科生自我同情和特质情绪智力的水平,并分析两者的相关性。方法采用一般资料调查表、自我同情量表、特质情绪智力量表。对622名在校护理本科生进行问卷调查。结果护理本科生自我同情总均分(3.161±0.54)分,特质情绪智力总均分(4.59±0.79)分,两者总分及各维度得分之间呈正相关(r=0.146-0.472,P〈0.01)。结论护理本科生的自我同情和特质情绪智力属于中等水平,两者呈正相关。护理教育者需采取有效措施,提高护理本科生的自我同情和特质情绪智力水平。 Objective To investigate the level of self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence among undergraduate nursing students,and to analyze the relationship be-tween them. Methods A total of 622 undergraduate nursing students were investigated using the Self-Compassion Scale(SCS) and the Trait Emotional InteUigence Questionnaire-Short Form(TEIQue-SF). Results The mean score of nursing students' self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence was(3.16±0.54) and(4.59±0.79),respectively. Scores of the total scale and the factors of self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence were positively correlated (r value ranged from 0.146 to 0.472,P〈0.01). Conclusion The self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence of undergraduate nursing students are at moderate level and are positively correlated with each other. It is necessary to enhance the self-compassion and trait emotional intelligence of undergraduate nursing students.
出处 《中华护理教育》 2015年第6期410-414,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
关键词 教育 护理 学士 情绪智力 自我同情 Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate Emotional intelligence Self-compassion
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