Objective:To understand the attitude of the Health Care Workers ( HCWs) on seasonal flu and flu vaccine and analyze the main factors influencing the vaccination intent among health personnel, and consequently help to formulate the targeted strategy for flu vaccination. Methods:8 medical and health institutions in Qingdao were selected for cluster sampling, using the method of purpose sampling. A prospective cohort study design was applied to conduct the baseline survey before flu season and the random follow-up survey after flu season on HCWs. The chi-square test and the Logistics,Regression Analysis are adopted to respectively analyze the influencing factors of the vaccination intentions. Re-sults:A total amount of 1301 healthcare personsentered the cohort study. The result showed that the influenza vaccination rate of the HCWs only was 4. 8%. Among the HCWs, 42. 8%believed that the influenza vaccine was safe and 45. 1% assumed a passive attitude towards the influenza vaccination. The score of the attitude factor of thevaccination group was significantly higher than that of the non-vaccination group and the differ-ence has statistical significance. The stronger the preseason vaccination intention was, the higher the possibility of inoculating vaccine was. The vaccination intent was subject to attitudinal factors, such as regarding themselves as liable to flu, being worried after sick, believing the vaccine has protective effect, willing to accept the recommendation of the department for disease control, thinking it is easy to catch flu without inoculating vaccine or regretting without vaccination. The vaccination intention of HCWs was higher with these attitudinal factors. Conclusion:The vaccina-tionintent will directly affect the actual vaccination behavior. The more positive the attitude on the flu vaccine the HCWs is, the stronger the will-ingness to vaccinate is. Mandatory vaccination policy and strategy of free vaccination can effectively improve the HCWs' preseason vaccination in-tention, which can increase the vaccination rate in turn. So it is necessary to actively propagandizethe safety of vaccine and effects among the HC-Ws. Mandatory vaccination policy and free vaccination strategy among the medical personnel should also be considered to increasetheir flu vacci-nation rate, which can achieve the goal of decreasing the incidence rate of influenza.
Medicine and Society
Health Care Worker
Influenza Vaccine
Vaccination Intent