通过野外调查和室内实验,探讨铜陵市相思谷铜尾矿自然定居的芒(Miscanthus sinensis)、羊蹄(Rumex japonicus)、何首乌(Polygonum multiflorum)、苦荬菜(Ixeris denticulata)、荩草(Arthraxon hispidus)、1年蓬(Erigeron annuus)、小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis)、高粱泡(Rubus lambertianus)8种植物对重金属Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd吸收与富集特性,为铜尾矿废弃地植被恢复和重金属污染土壤的植物修复提供理论依据。结果表明:铜陵相思谷铜尾矿中全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质等营养成分均极显著低于对照的土壤(P<0.01);铜尾矿中的重金属铜质量分数高达2 224.167 mg·kg-1,锌、镉等重金属极显著高于对照土壤的含量(P<0.01),铅含量显著高于对照土壤的含量(P<0.05)。相思谷铜尾矿营养成份低,重金属Cu含量过高是抑制植物定居的主要因子。通过对8种植物体内不同部位的重金属含量分析发现,8种植物对重金属的吸收主要集中在根部。地上部分重金属含量最高的植物为芒,其Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd质量分数分别为314.487、85.710、199.681、2.650 mg·kg-1。通过对转移系数和富集系数分析发现,芒对Cu、Pb和Cd的转移能力最强,分别为0.701、1.797和1.432,羊蹄对Zn的转移能力最强,为1.743。芒的地上部分对重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的富集系数均最高,分别为0.141、0.408、0.239、0.240;芒的地下部分对重金属Cu、Cd的富集系数最高,分别为0.202、0.168。因此,芒不仅可作为铜尾矿植被恢复的植物,同时也用于重金属污染土壤的修复植物。
Through field investigation and laboratory experiments, heavy metals absorption and enrichment characteristics of 8 plants species settled naturally in Xiangsigu copper tailings were analyzed in Tongling city, Anhui province, which provided theoretical basis for the revegetation of copper tailings and phytoremediation plant of heavy metal contaminated soil. The eight plant species were M. sinensis, R. japonicas, P. multiflorum, I. denticulate, A. hispidus, E. annuus, C. canadensis, R. lambertianus. The results showed that the contents of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, organic and other nutrients were lower than that of control soil significantly(P<0.01). The Cu concentrations of Xiangsigu copper tailings reached up to 2 224.17 mg·kg-1. Zn and Cd concentrations were significantly higher than that of control soil(P<0.01). Pb concentrations were significantly higher than control soil(P<0.05). Low nutrients, excessive concentrations of heavy metal Cu were major factors inhibiting plant settled on the copper tailings. Through analysis for heavy metal contents of 8 plants species different parts, heavy metals absorption of 8 plants species mainly concentrated in the roots. Among 8 plant species, the contents above the ground for heavy metals in M. sinensis were the highest, and contents of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd were 314.487, 85.710, 199.681, 2.650 mg·kg-1 respectively. By Analyzing of transfer coefficient and enrichment coefficient, Cu, Pb and Cd transfer coefficient in the body of M. sinensis were highest, being 0.701, 1.797 and 1.432 respectively. Transfer coefficient of R. japonicus for Zn is the strongest, being 1.743. Enrichment coefficient of M. sinensis above the ground for Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd were the highest, being 0.141, 0.408, 0.239, 0.240 respectively. Enrichment coefficient of M. sinensis on the under ground parts for Cu, Cd were the highest, being 0.202, 0.168. Therefore, M. sinensis could be used not only as a pioneer plant in the revegetation of copper tailings but also as a phytoremediation plant of heavy metal contaminated soils.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
copper mine tailings
plants settled naturally
heavy metal
enrichment characteristics