
TE02模式95GHz三次谐波回旋管实验 被引量:2

Experimental study on 95GHz,TE_(02) mode third-harmonic gyrotron
摘要 首次实现W波段三次谐波回旋管输出功率突破10kW。谐波回旋管互作用结构采用带有光阑结构的圆柱型开放式谐振腔,工作模式为低损耗圆对称模式TE02。实验中,在脉冲宽度20μs、电子束电压45kV、电流3A、磁场1.23T时,测得工作频率为95.22GHz,输出功率13.4kW,对应效率9.9%。 More than 10 kW power was generated by a W band, third harmonic gyrotron. A cylindrical open cavity with an iris structure was used. The operation mode of the third harmonic gyrotron was TE02. In the test, the pulse duration was 20 its. The beam voltage and current were 45 kV and 3 A, respectively. When the magnetic field was 1.2 T, the frequency observed was 95.22 GHz. The output power was 13.4 kW, corresponding to the efficiency of 9.9
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期1-2,共2页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 中国工程物理研究院预研基金项目
关键词 三次谐波 回旋管 W波段 光阑结构 third harmonic gyrotron W band iris structure
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