目的识别某燃煤电厂脱硝系统项目可能产生的职业病危害因素,预测其危害程度,提出合理可行的防治对策。方法通过经验法、类比分析法对该项目进行评价。结果该建设项目存在的主要职业病危害因素有化学毒物、噪声和高温等,类比工程检测点8 h等效噪声强度、化学毒物(氨)短时间接触浓度85 d B、20 mg/m3均符合国家职业接触限值,作业场所生产性热源的综合温度(WBGT指数)除了控制室均为高温作业点。结论某燃煤电厂脱硝系统项目职业病危害因素比较复杂,其中主要危害因素是化学毒物,潜在风险大,应从职业病危害发生的关键控制部位加强防治工作。
Objective To identify occupational hazards possibly caused by denitration system project in the coal power plant and predict the occupational hazard degree, find some reasonable and practical prevention and control measures. Methods The experience method and analog analysis method were applied for identifying and evaluating occupational haz- ards. Results The main occupational hazards that existed in the denitration system project were chemical poisons, noise and high temperature. A weighted equal sound level of eight hours ( 85 dB) and the short term exposure concentration of ammonia(20 mg/m^3) in the monitoring points were accord with the national occupational exposure limits. The integrated temperature of productive heat sources in the workplaces (WBGT index) were all high temperature operating points except the control room. Conclusion The occupational hazards in the denitration system project are complex, among which the most important one is chemical poisons, which have great potential risks. Some prevention and controlling measures should be strengthened in the key control points where occupational hazards take place.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Denitration system project in the coal power plants
Occupational hazards identification