
吸烟与不同类型乳腺癌关系的病例对照研究 被引量:2

A Control Study of the Relationship between Active Smoking and Different Types of Breast Cancer Cases
摘要 了解吸烟情况与不同类型乳腺癌发病的关系。采用病例对照研究方法,对于我院就诊并经病理证实的250例女性乳腺癌患者和同期就诊的360例同年龄组非乳腺癌患者进行相关危险因素问卷调查,并将结果进行统计学分析。吸烟女性患乳腺癌风险为未吸烟女性的3.7倍(95% CI:2.570~5.408),以病理类型分层分析,吸烟患者雌激素受体(ER)阳性乳腺癌患病风险增加4.4倍(95% CI:2.991~6.494),患三阴性乳腺癌(TNBC)风险无明显增加(OR=1.4,95% CI:0.695~3.174)。因此吸烟行为可增加女性ER阳性乳腺癌患病风险,而与T NBC尚无确切关系。 The aim was to analyze whether smoking is associated differentially with risks of the major breast cancer sub‐types .This was a case‐control study of 250 women with breast cancer who were diagnosed in our hospital .A control group of 360 cancer‐free women also was included .The data was analyzed by statistics software .Ever‐smokers had a 3 .7‐fold increased risk (95% CI:2 .570~5 .408) of breast cancer overall;and ,when stratified by cancer subtype ,they had a 4 .4‐fold increased risk (95% CI:2 .991~6 .494) of ER‐positive breast cancer ,but there was no elevation in their risk of triple negative disease (TNBC) (OR=1 .4 ,95% CI:0 .695~3 .174) .The current results suggested that women who are smokers with high pack‐year histories may have an increased risk of ER‐positive breast cancer but not TNBC .
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第5期49-51,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 ER阳性乳腺癌 三阴性乳腺癌 女性 吸烟 ER-positive breast cancer triple negative breast cancer women smoking
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