

Some Results on Average Centered L_2-discrepancy of Three-Level Fractional Factorial Designs
摘要 中心化L_2偏差已被用来作为部分因析设计均匀性的度量,并用来区分几何非同构设计.中心化L_2偏差均值也被用来度量部分因析设计均匀性,这样就可以对现有最小低阶混杂设计进行水平置换,从而获得中心化L_2偏差最小的均匀最小低阶混杂设计.本文里,我们针对三水平部分因析设计讨论中心化L_2偏差均值的性质,给出中心化L_2偏差均值与正交性准则,最小低阶矩混杂准则之间的解析关系,同时给出中心化L_2偏差均值的两个下界. The centered L2-discrepancy has been employed as the measure of uniformity and used to distinguish geometrically nonisomorphic designs. The average centered L2- discrepancy has also been applied to measure the uniformity of fractional factorial designs, so we can obtain uniform minimum aberration designs with the minimum centered L2- discrepancy by permuting levels of existing minimum aberration designs. In this paper, for the three-level fractional factorial designs, we discuss the properties of the average cen- tered L2-discrepancy, build the relationships among the average centered L2-discrepancy, the orthogonality criterion and MMA criterion, and obtain two different lower bounds on the average centered L2-discrepancy.
作者 雷轶菊 覃红
出处 《应用数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期496-506,共11页 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11271147 11471136)资助项目
关键词 中心化L_2偏差 均值 下界 均匀性 centered L2-discrepancy average lower bound uniformity
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