目的:探讨首发精神分裂症患者未治期( DUP)的影响因素。方法:采用一般资料调查表、阳性与阴性症状量表( PANSS)、诺丁汉起病症状量表( NOS)以及疾病家庭负担量表( FBS)对206例首次发病精神分裂症患者的疾病严重程度、起病形式以及因疾病给家庭带来的负担进行评估。结果:首发精神分裂症患者DUP的中位数为6(2,12)个月,其中男性5(1,12)个月,女性7(2,12)个月,男女比率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。将患者分为短DUP组(DUP≤6个月)112例和长DUP组(DUP〉6个月)94例比较结果显示,不同DUP组的起病形式(χ2=61.99,P=0.000)、家属对患者的关心程度(t=4.09,P=0.000)、疾病对家庭娱乐活动的影响(t=-2.22,P=0.03)以及疾病对家庭成员心理健康的影响(t=-2.53,P=0.01)两组间存在统计学意义。Logistic 回归分析发现,起病形式( OR =11.46,95%CI =5.70∽23.04)是DUP的危险因素;家属对患者的关心程度(OR=0.73,95%CI=0.60∽0.90)是DUP的保护性因素。结论:影响首发精神分裂症患者DUP的因素是多方面的,但起病形式及家属对患者的关心程度是主要因素。
Objective:To investigate the factors of duration of untreated psychosis( DUP)in first-episode schizophrenias. Method:We adopted self-made questionnaire,positive and negative syndrome scale( PAN-SS),family burden scale of disease(FBS)and Nottingham onset schedule(NOS)to assess 206 patients who were diagnosed with first-episode schizophrenia. Resuits:The median( lower quartile,upper quartile)of DUP in first-episode schizophrenia patients was 6 month(2 month,12 month)and the DUP of men was 5 month(1 month,12 month),women was 7 month(2 month,12 month). There′s no statistical significance of DUP in sex composition(P〉0. 05). The comparison of the short DUP group(DUP≤6 month,112 patients)and long DUP group(DUP〉6 monrh,94 patients)showed that there was significant difference of mode of onset(χ2 =61. 99, P=0. 000),degree of the care of family members to the patients(t=4. 09,P=0. 000),the influence of disease on family entertainment(t= -2. 22,P=0. 03),the influence of disease on family members′mental health(t=-2. 53,P=0. 01)between the short DUP group and long DUP group. Logistic regression analysis found that mode of onset(OR=11. 46,95%CI=5. 70∽23. 04)was risk factor of DUP and degree of care of family mem-bers to the patients(OR=0. 73,95%CI=0. 60∽0. 90)was protective factor of DUP. Conciusion:The influ-encing factors of DUP are various,the degree of the care of family members to the patients and the mode of onset may have major influences on the DUP.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry