
基于临床数据挖掘的冠心病药物治疗分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Coronary Heart Disease Drug Therapy Based on Clinical Data Mining
摘要 随着医疗信息化的不断发展完善,各项医疗数据也日益膨胀。面对海量数据,如何对其进行深层的分析利用,成了当下备受关注的一个问题。研究采集大量冠心病患者的临床用药数据,利用数据挖掘技术对其进行深入分析,建立冠心病药物治疗效果的评估模型。并对几类模型的性能优劣进行综合比较分析,最终选取最优化的模型。该模型的建立可以为冠心病的临床药物治疗提供一定的参考作用和指导意义。 With the continuous development and improvement of medical information, all kinds of medical data are also swelling. Facing these voluminous data, there is an increasing concern that how to analysis profoundly. This research collects clinical treatment data of patients with coronary heart disease and uses data mining methods to in-depth analysis to establish a model of evaluation of coronary heart disease drug treatments. And undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the performance of several types of model, and then ultimately select an optimal one. The model can provide certain reference and guidance for coronary heart disease in clinical drug therapy.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2015年第6期33-37,共5页 China Digital Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:61173127) 国家"863计划"项目(编号:2013AA041201) 浙江大学海外一流学科伙伴计划(编号:188170*193251101)~~
关键词 数据挖掘 冠心病 药物治疗 data mining, coronary heart disease, medical treatment
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