目的应用种植体稳定性测量仪测量下颌后牙区不同型号种植体在愈合阶段各时间点各个方向的稳定系数(ISQ值)。采用统计学手段对比不同方向的ISQ值有无统计学差别,观察不同时间点ISQ值的变化趋势,以及植体长度和颈部直径对ISQ值的影响。方法选取下颌磨牙缺失后种植修复的患者64人,种植体共80枚,对种植体愈合期的第1个月、第2个月、第3个月进行颊、舌、近中、远中4个方向的ISQ值测量,对所测量的数据利用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学分析。结果 (1)同种型号种植体同时间段的不同方向的ISQ均值进行统计学分析,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(2)同种型号种植体不同时间段ISQ均值的分析,1月和2月时间点差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);3月ISQ值显著高于前两个时间点ISQ值。(3)长度相同光滑颈部直径不同的植体在同一时间点ISQ均值比较:1月和2月差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);3月宽颈植体ISQ值显著高于常规颈植体ISQ值。(4)长度不同光滑颈部直径相同的植体ISQ均值比较:1月和2月时差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);3月时长植体ISQ值显著高于较短植体ISQ值(P<0.05)。结论(1)利用种植体稳定性测量仪Osstell ISQ可以准确客观的检测种植体的稳定性。(2)同型种植体的ISQ均值与种植体愈合时间有关。(3)种植体植入后第3个月,ISQ值与植体的长度及光滑颈部直径有关。
Objective To investigated the stability of different type of implants in submandibular region during the bone healing phase by monitor the implant stability quotient (ISQ). Compare the ISQ values of dif- ferent directions of implant at each time point and investigate the impact of length and width of implant on ISQ values. Methods A total of 80 implants were placed in 64 patients. RFA was performed on months 1, 2, 3 and monitored the ISQ values from buccal, lingual, medial and distal directions, comparing the values through the SPSS13.0 software. Results (1) Generally, ISQ values of the same type of the implant from different direction were similar at the same time point(P 〉0.05) ; (2)The ISQ values of the same type of implant were similar at 1 and 2 months (P 〉 0.05), but higher at 3 months than 1 and 2 months (p〈 0.05) ; (3)There were no signifi- cant differences between the 1 and 2 months(P 〈 0.05) when using the same length, different width of the threadless cervical imlant, but the ISQ values of wide- neck implant were higher(P〈 0.05) ; (4)The ISQ val- ues of different length of threadless cervical implants were similar at 1 and 2 months respectively, the value of long implants was higher at 3 months. Conclusion (1) The stability of implants could be detected by measuring the ISQ values through monitor Osstell; (2) The means of ISQ values were related to the healing time when us- ing the same type of implants; (3)After placing 3 months, the ISQ values were related to the length and width of the threadless neck.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
dental implant
resanance frequency analysis(RFA)
statistic analysis