Long- term trends of economic grow th of the US,Europe and Japan show that the slow- dow n of grow th speed after the high- speed grow th of economy is a natural phenomenon,the adjustment of economic structure is an inevitable requirement of the slow dow n of economic grow th. The economic development of China has come into the new normal situation,and the sw itch from rapid grow th to mid- to- highspeed grow th is also a natural phenomenon that complys w ith the economic development law.China's current main macroeconomic indicators are superior to the corresponding indexs of the mid- to-high speed grow ing economies. China has the condition and potential to maintain a rapid economic grow th and is now going to enter the new normal situation matched by mid- to- high speed grow th and upper- middle income,so there is no need to w orry about the risk falling into the middle- income trap.In the shifting phase of economic grow th speed,some problems appear along w ith the slow dow n of economic grow th. China needs to balance the relations betw een 'adjusting the structure'and 'stabilizing the grow th'. China should adhere to the transformation of economic development pattern as the mainline and focus on the policy of 'adjusting the structure',release dividends of the reform and opening- up policy and comprehensively consider the policy of 'stabilizing the grow th','adjusting the structure'and'advancing the reform',give full scope to market mechanism,strengthen the development vitality and the endogenous pow er,and prevent rapid decline of economic grow th.