
主动冷却通道内甲醇催化分解吸热过程 被引量:2

Endothermic Process of Methanol Catalysis Decomposition in Active Fuel Cooling Channels
摘要 甲醇分解生成H2和CO是吸热反应,为了研究甲醇作为吸热燃料应用于主动冷却技术的可行性,使用电加热管技术,在4MPa压力下研究了热分解,Pd/Al2O3,Pt/Al2O3,Ag/Al2O3涂层催化剂对甲醇分解的影响。结果表明在600℃时5%Pd/Al2O3催化甲醇分解,分解率达到68.87%,热沉为4236 k J/kg,比热裂解高出18.39%。此外,也比较了不同金属含量负载催化剂对甲醇分解的影响,发现较高的金属含量有利于提高催化剂的活性和选择性。 Methanol decomposition to hydrogen and carbon monoxide is an endothermic reaction. The feasibility of methanol as an endotherrnic fuel used in active cooling technology was carried out. Herein the catalytic decomposition of methanol was studied in an electrically heated tube reactor at 4 MPa with wall-coated Pd/A1203, Pt/AI:03 and Ag/A1203 catalysts. Results show that 5%Pd/Al2O3 catalyst has positive effect on methanol decomposition in which the decomposition ratio reaches 68.87% and the heat sink is 4236kJ/kg, with 18.39% higher than that of thermal cracking at 600℃. In addition, the effects of different amount of metal catalysts for methanol cracking was also studied. It is found that the catalyst with higher loading amount of metal has higher activity and selectivity.
出处 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期927-932,共6页 Journal of Propulsion Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(91116001)
关键词 甲醇 催化分解 热沉 结焦 Methanol Catalytic decomposition Heat sink Coke
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