

Temporal Structures of Spikes in Spinal Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron of the Rat Under Manual Acupuncture
摘要 神经元放电的时间结构包含了大量的编码信息.为了研究针刺作用下神经元放电的时间结构,通过不同手法针刺刺激大鼠足三里穴在脊髓背根处获取神经放电序列,运用fano因子和分散分析等方法对神经充放电序列进行分形分析.结果表明:部分神经元放电序列的fano因子随统计时间窗的增加而增加,具有长时程相关性.部分神经元序列的fano因子在小时间窗处出现明显的峰值,具有短时程相关性.放电特征分析显示该峰值是由于簇放电所致.这些结果说明针刺能引起脊髓背根神经元放电时间结构的变化,针刺效应是长时程效应和短时程效应相结合的产物.这些结果为针刺注重时间效应提供了合理解释,也为量化针刺手法提供了参考. The temporal structure of the neural spikes contains much information of neural coding. In order to understand the temporal structure of neural spikes under manual acupuncture (MA), the time series of spike discharge were obtained from spinal dorsal root ganglion (SDRG)during different manual acupuncture manipulations taken at Zusanli point of experiment rats. Fano factor and dispersional analysis (DA)were introduced to analyze these time series. Fano factors increase with time windows increasing in some time series of SDRG neurons, but not in the shuffled surrogate data. This phenomenon reveals that these time series have long-term correlation. Some fano factor curves have an ob- vious peak when the sizes of counting time window are relatively small, which reveals that these time series have short-term correlation. These peaks are proved to be correlated to the bursting evoked by MA stimulations through analyzing the discharge patterns of experimental data. These results suggest that MA stimulations change the temporal structure of SDRG neuron spiking. Both long-term correlation and short-term correlation are the characters of MA effects. The results may provide an explanation to the significant importance of time effects during MA treatment, and potential measures to quantify the effects of MA.
出处 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期494-501,共8页 Journal of Tianjin University:Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61172009) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2012M510750)
关键词 针刺 时间结构 脊髓背根神经元 长时程相关性 短时程相关性 manual acupuncture(MA) temporal structure spinal dorsal root ganglion neuron long-term correla- tion short-term correlation
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