

On the Formation and Model of the Indian Native States on the Eve of British Indian Empire
摘要 18世纪的印度是一个社会急剧变化的时代,随着莫卧儿帝国的衰落,松散的莫卧儿帝国体系催生了印度地方绅士和新兴经济模式的出现;印度传统的社会等级模式使莫卧儿皇帝成为"王中之王",而不是"印度之王",地方政治势力严重冲击了帝国的中央权威。在西方殖民者到达印度前夕,南亚次大陆已形成了三类土邦,即以拉杰普特为代表的古时土邦、由莫卧儿帝国省转化而成的土邦和因军事征服而形成的土邦。此时期的土邦皆具有三大特点:在所属的领地上获得有力的支持并有效管理;都维持一支足以保证土邦政权稳定的军队;都寻求并获得了土邦政权存在的合理合法性。 In the 18th century,India was in an era of creating history.With the decline of the Mughal Empire,loose Mughal imperial system gave birth to Indian local gentry and emerging economic model;India's traditional social hierarchy model made Mughal emperor become “the king of Kings,”instead of“the king of India”,and local political forces severely permeate the central authority of the empire.On the eve of the west colonists arriving in India,South Asian Sub-Continent had formed three varieties of Native States:the ancient Native States represented by Raj put;Native States evolved from the Mughal imperial provinces and the Native States established by military conquest.In this period the Native States had three characteristics:Within their domain they obtained effective support and enforced effective management;they maintained a strong army to ensure the stability of the Native States regime;they sought and obtained the reasonability and legitimacy of the existence for Native States regimes.
作者 李加洞
出处 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2015年第2期146-154,共9页 Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 莫卧儿帝国 印度地方势力 莫卧儿省 古时土邦 军事征服性土邦 Mughal Empire India local power Mughal province ancient Native States Native States by military conquest
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