
基于压电驱动的自感知振动抑制研究 被引量:1

Self-sensing vibration suppression based on charger driven piezoelements
摘要 提出一种压电自感知电荷驱动方法,研究用同一压电元件在抑制振动的同时又能感知振动状态。该方法控制电路简单,在智能结构中易于实现,且电路调节方便,振动抑制效果好。将该方法应用于悬臂梁的一阶振动抑制,悬臂梁自由端振幅可被抑制约达90%。实验结果表明,该方法在驱动压电元件致动的同时可感知结构的运动状态,有望应用于诸如扫描探针显微镜、智能结构监测与控制等领域中。 A method of self-sensing charger driver with piezoelements was presented.The possibility was investigated that a piezoelectric element is utilized simultaneously as a sensor while it actuates to suppress vibration based on the presented method.The control circuit of the method is simple,convenient to be adjusted and easy to be implemented in smart structures.And it is effective to damp vibration of beam using the method.The amplitude of vibration is actively mitigated by a factor exceeding 90%,when the method is applied to the first-order cantilever vibration suppression.The experimental results show that the piezoelectric actuator can effectively perceive structure motion while being driven by charger driver.Furthermore,the method can also be used in numerous fields,such as scanning probe microscopy,monitoring and control of smart structures.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期42-45,78,共5页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51175488) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(2013T60620) 安徽省自然科学基金(1408085ME81)
关键词 自感知 振动抑制 电荷驱动 压电元件 self-sensing vibration suppression charger driver piezoelement
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