
基于高压倍加器的快中子照相技术研究 被引量:3

Experimental Study of Fast Neutron Radiography Based on Cockcroft-Walton Generator
摘要 本文详述了所建立快中子照相系统的性能和实验测试。依托中国原子能科学研究院的600kV高压倍加器,设计加工了线中子源和高L/D复合屏蔽准直器,开展了14 MeV快中子照相系统对聚乙烯、铝、铁和铅材料的空间分辨能力的实验研究。实验中分别采用了厚刀口法和狭缝指示器法,两种方法得到的实验数据相符合。研究结果表明,该快中子照相系统对单一材料能达到优于1mm的空间分辨能力,与理论计算结果相一致。 The performance test on the newly created fast neutron radiography system was described in this paper .And the experimental study of 14 MeV fast neutron radio‐graphy system based on d‐T linear neutron source with high L/D ratio collimator was performed on Cockcroft‐Walton generator in China Institute of Atomic Energy . The position resolutions of the fast neutron radiography system to polythylene ,aluminum , iron and lead were investigated with the thick edge method and the indicator method , and the results of the two methods are in coindence .The results indicate that the spatial resolution of the system is better than 1 mm to a single material ,and this is in accord‐ance with the theoretical calculation and analysis .
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1117-1121,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 快中子照相 中子源 空间分辨 fast neutron radiography neutron source spatial resolution
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