
论商标保护、自由竞争与表达自由 被引量:1

On the Trademark Protection,Free Competition and the Freedom of Expression
摘要 商标法的主要任务是对商标混淆侵权行为进行规制,防止消费者在市场中发生混淆。一般来说,商标保护与自由竞争和表达自由之间并不存在冲突。但随着商标权的扩张,商标权的保护与自由竞争、表达自由之间存在着潜在的冲突,商标权人可能通过其商标权损害市场自由竞争、压制表达自由。由此,商标法需要建立完善的利益协调机制,将商标权控制在一定的范围之内,防止商标权过度强化损害市场自由竞争和表达自由,妥善处理好商标保护与市场自由竞争、表达自由的关系。 The main task of the trademark law is to regulate trademark confusion infringement, preventing consumer's confusion in the market. Generally speaking, there is no conflict between the protection of the trademark and free competition, freedom of expression. But with the expansion of trademark fights, there is potential conflict between trademark fights protection and free competition, freedom of expression; the trademark fights holders may use trademark fights to damage market free competition and suppress freedom of expression. As a result, the trademark law should establish the interest coordination mechanism and keep the trademark fights within a certain range, prevent trademark fights overly strengthening and damaging market free competition and freedom of expression, and properly handle the relationship between trademark protection and market competition, the freedom of expression.
作者 姚鹤徽
出处 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期15-22,共8页 Journal of Shaoyang University:Social Science Edition
基金 湖南师范大学博士启动项目(2014BQ16) 湖南省重点学科建设项目资助
关键词 商标 商标保护 自由竞争 表达自由 trademark trademark protection free competition freedom of expression
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