
网店店主关系身份建构的语用研究 被引量:66

A pragmatic account on the construction of online shop owners' relational identities
摘要 网络是公众呈现、建构身份的虚拟空间,由于缺少现实交际的诸多束缚,交际者可以根据需要建构最利于自己的身份。就商家而言,如何在缺乏实物接触的网络背景下构建特定的关系身份以呈现商品似乎已成为销售成功与否的重要因素。本研究吸收学界将身份看作一种语用资源的观点,基于第一手语料,考察淘宝店铺商品描述中店主称呼语的使用情况,探讨店主通过称呼语的使用所构建的关系身份,进而发掘他们构建这些身份的原因。结果显示店主共采用8类称呼语,并借此构建了默认、变异、复合3种关系身份。其中变异关系身份出现频率最高,而默认关系身份最低。 Internet is the virtual space where people represent and construct their identities. Owing to the absence of some real-world restrictions, people can construct identities most beneficial to their needs. In such a virtual environment, where potential customers have no access to tangible merchandises, the way the owners con struct their identities to present merchandises seems to be a determinant of successful sales. In light of the view that identities are pragmatic resources in the latest identity literature, this study sets out to investigate the relational identities constructed by the shop owners and the motivations behind this construction by focusing on the address forms in Taobao merchandise descriptions. The findings showed that the owners adopted 8 categories of address forms and constructed 3 kinds of relational identities: the default identity, the variant identity and the transitional identity, among which the variant is the most chosen, and the default the least.
作者 何荷 陈新仁
机构地区 南京大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期347-356,438,共10页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目"语用身份论"(14FYY030) 江苏省社科基金项目"媒体语言发展与规范化研究"(13YYB007)的阶段性成果
关键词 网店店主 称呼语 关系身份 话语建构 online shop owner address forms relational identities discursive construction
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