
计算语言学的超学科研究 被引量:21

The transdisciplinarity of Computational Linguistics
摘要 在学术领域,学科间融合逐渐成为一种共识,语言学界也在探索超越学科界限的科研创新途径。超学科理念是学科间融合的最高层次,是各学科相互配合与协调的研究方法及教育模式。早在1990年,Halliday就提到,应用语言学的研究重点转向计算语言学,广义的教育语言学理念也初露端倪。本文就以计算语言学为例,阐述语言学的超学科研究,探讨计算语言学的超学科特征和超学科研究方法。 It has been gradually accepted that research be conducted with the merging of multi-disciplines. Linguists, too, have been initiating new perspectives that supersede disciplines. The notion of transdisciplinarity represents the highest level of cooperation and coordination between disciplines in research and education.Early in 1990, Halliday suggested that the research theme in applied linguistics had shifted to the domains of computational linguistics and there also emerged a generalized concept of educational linguistics. Therefore,the present paper explores transdisciplinary application and study with computational linguistics as an example, and discusses the transdisciplinary features and approaches within this field.
作者 李颖 冯志伟
机构地区 杭州师范大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期407-415,439,共9页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国高校教师双语教学能力研究"(13BYY076) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目"超学科理念与高校(非英语专业)全英语授课模式研究"(教外司留[2013]693号)的阶段性成果
关键词 超学科 计算语言学 基于规则的方法 基于统计的方法 机器学习 transdisciplinarity computational linguistics rule-based approach statistics-based approach machine learning
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