
投入量假设理论的局限与完善 被引量:6

Limitations and improvement of Involvement Load Hypothesis
摘要 投入量假设理论界定了认知投入的量化指标,为任务设计提供了衡量标准,但是学界对此存在不少分歧。本文认为分歧的原因在于该理论存在四个方面的局限性:1)其逻辑起点是从语义出发,忽视了词汇发展的过程;2)适用范围不够宽泛,不适用于除语义外其他知识的加工,不利于接受性词汇习得;3)实施的前提偏理想化,忽视了影响加工资源配置的内、外部因素;4)定义欠准确,分级简单化,指标权重赋值不科学。在对这四点不足分析的基础上,本文对完善该理论提出了建议。 The Involvement Load Hypothesis provides L2 teachers with a good foothold in vocabulary instruction as it supplies a measurable task-induced involvement, yet this hypothesis has gained only partial support.This paper reviews related empirical studies and points out the weaknesses of this theory:(1) it focuses solely on semantic properties of words, not other aspects of knowledge involved in knowing a word;(2) it is narrow in application scope, i. e., it only promotes semantic processing, helping improve the development of productive vocabulary knowledge, but not receptive one;(3) it ignores some external and internal factors affecting the distribution of processing resources beyond the task;(4) the set-up of the involvement load and index is so vague that it cannot make fine-grained differentiation between the relative load of each involvement component, nor of some tasks. Suggestions are finally put forward to solve these weaknesses to improve this theory.
作者 余清萍
机构地区 浙江财经大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期416-424,439,共9页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"二语话语域中词块搭配性链接特征研究"(13YJA740075)的阶段性成果
关键词 投入量假设 词汇发展阶段 词汇知识 加工资源分配 投入量计算 Involvement Load Hypothesis stages of lexical development word knowledge distribution of processing resources measurement of involvement load
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