
TC4钛合金材料采用金刚石砂轮磨削时的工艺参数优化 被引量:4

Optimization of Technological Parameters of TC4 Titanium Alloy by Diamond Grinding Wheel
摘要 钛合金材料在航空器和发动机中的应用极为广泛,涡扇发动机中低压压气机静子叶片基本由钛合金材料制成,由于钛合金的磨削性能较差,对选用金刚石砂轮进行钛合金材料磨削时的主要工艺影响因素(如进给速度、磨抛深度等)进行了试验分析,优选出更适用于金刚石砂轮磨削钛合金的工艺参数,该参数不仅能够用于自研的双面仿形抛修设备,还可以对其他型号磨床磨削钛合金材料时的工艺参数选择提供指导。 Titanium alloy is widely used in air-craft and engine. Low pressure compressor stator blades in turbofan engine are basically made of titanium alloy. Due to the poor grinding performance of titanium alloy, the experimental analysis about main technological inlfuence factors (such as feed speed, grinding depth) of grinding titanium alloy by diamond wheel is carried out in this pa-per. The parameters of grinding titanium alloy by diamond wheel are optimized. The parameters can not only be used in independent manufacturing double-sided copying trim-ming equipment, but also can provide guidance for other types of grinding machines while selecting technological parameters of grinding titanium alloy.
作者 韩野 崔海军
出处 《航空制造技术》 2015年第11期124-127,共4页 Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology
关键词 金刚石砂轮 钛合金材料 进给速度 磨抛深度 Diamond grinding wheel Titanium alloy Feed speed Grinding depth
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