为解决人工培育藤本植物黑老虎的苗木质量问题,采用相同培育措施下不同种源8月龄的黑老虎实生容器苗的藤高和地径作为其苗木质量的数量评价指标。利用藤高、地径标准化值总和的一维图和SPSS聚类树状图互为参考,对黑老虎苗木进行逐步分级、修正达到最终分级,提出黑老虎不同种源的实生容器苗合格苗木标准为:屏边种源,H≥44.4 cm,D≥0.39 cm;河口种源,H≥22.2 cm,D≥0.40 cm;普文种源,H≥24.1 cm,D≥0.48 cm;景东种源,H>14.7 cm,D≥0.38 cm;勐海种源,H>21.2 cm,D≥0.41 cm;大渡岗种源,H>19.0cm,D≥0.47 cm。不同黑老虎种源苗木在相同培育条件下藤高、地径差异极显著,出圃苗木应区别对待。
In order to solve seedling quality problems of Kadsura coccinea, the vine height and ground diameter of 8-month-old K. coccinea seedlings of different provenances under same cultivation are measured, and the two indica- tors were used to evaluate the quantity of K. coccinea seedling. The one-dimensional graphs of sum of standardized value of height, ground diameter and SPSS dendrogram acted as mutual references, K. coccinea seedlings are gradu- ally graded, corrected and adjusted the final grade. The qualified standard of K. coccinea container seedling of dif- ferent provenances are proposed as follows : Pingbian provenance ( H≥ 44.4 cm, D≥ 0.39 cm) ; Hekou prove- nance (H≥22.2 cm, D≥0.40 cm) ; Puwen provenance (H≥24. 1 cm, D≥0. 48 cm) ; Jingdong provenance (H 〉 14.7 cm, D≥0. 38 cm) ; Menghai provenance (H 〉 21.2 cm, D ≥0. 41 cm) and Dadugang provenance (H〉 19. 0 cm, D≥0. 47 cm) . There are significant differences in vine height and ground diameter of the seed- lings of different provenances under the same cultivation conditions, therefore the corresponding seedlings should be treated differently.
Journal of West China Forestry Science