Multinational mergers and acquisitions of strategic emerging industries, which are national key objects, deserve a special a- cademic research. This paper studied the motivation and mode of 22 multinational mergers and acquisitions of new energy enterprises from 2000 to 2013. I found that multinational mergers and acquisitions of new energy enterprises started in 2006, which have been developed rapidly in recent years. This paper found that cross - border M&A of Chinese new ener- gy enterprises all happened in the western developed countries, due to the core technology in the field of new energy in Eu- rope, the United States and other developed countries, the market inadequacy and excess capacity of new energy market in China, and a large proportion of the world market of European and American countries, which possess abundant available production resources. Almost all Chinese new energy enterprises adopt the way of cash payment for their cross - border M& As, and most of enterprises choose horizontal M&As cff peer enterprises. Finally, it proposed some relevant countermea- sures to promote the capabilities of Chinese new energy enterprises with the help of multinational M&A.
Enterprise Economy
strategic emerging industries
new energy enterprises
motivation of multinational M&A
entry mode of multinational M&A