利用Logistic方程对6个毛白杨无性系苗高、地径的年生长动态进行拟合,并分析年生长动态规律及生长参数。结果表明:拟合效果显著,相关系数均大于0.900;苗高和地径的速生持续期分别为70~79 d和86~101 d,速生期内的苗高生长量占总生长量的58.9%~61.0%,地径生长量占总生长量的61.2%~65.1%;苗高、地径年生长极值与其实测值呈极显著正相关,相关系数均为0.990;苗高、地径的年生长极值均与各自的速生持续期、最大生长速度呈显著正相关。
Logistic equation is applied to model annual growth dynamics of seedling height and ground diameter in six Populus tomen- rosa clones, and dynamic growth regularity and growth parameters for Populus tomentosa clones were analysed. The results showed that the fitting effect was significant and the correlation coefficients were more than 0. 900. The duration of fast-growth period for seedling height and ground diameter were 70 - 79 days and 86 - 101 days. Height and ground diameter in fast-growth period were 58.9% - 61.0% and 61.2% - 65.1% respectively of the total annual growth. Extremely significant correlations were found between simulated values and actual measured values of seedling height and ground diameter, and the correlation coefficient were both 0. 990 ;Significant positive correlations were also observed between simulated values and duration of fast-growth period, maximum growth rate of seedling height and ground diameter.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology