截止到2015年3月,浦东公交集团开通了100条穿梭巴士,运营总里程达到503 km,日均载客9.7万人次,已经成为了上海市民出行不可或缺的选择。近年来,随着上海市建设飞速发展,居民工作、生活范围不断向远郊扩展,出行难的矛盾日益凸显。2008年,为解决边远小区居民出行的"最后1 km"难题,上海率先提出了"穿梭巴士"概念,即开通小型公交线路,将小区和地铁、公交主干线连接起来。截止到2015年3月,浦东公交集团开通了100条穿梭巴士,运营总里程达到503 km,日均载客9.7万人次,已经成为上海市民出行不可或缺的选择。
Shanghai government firstly brought forward in 2008 the concept of 'shuttle bus' to solve the so-called last 1-km problem at suburban area outside downtown.These buses shuttle back and forth among residential compound and subway and majorpublic lines.By May 3,2015,Pudong Public Bus Group had already opened around 100 shuttle bus lines with tota1 operating length of 503 km,and canying97,000 passengers perday at average rate,whic h was the necessary commuting way for Shanghai residents living in those area.
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