

The Educational Quality Evaluation for Nursery-kindergartens in the International Perspectives
摘要 对托幼机构教育质量的评估是一个尚未得到很好解决的问题。从国际范围看,影响较大的有"相对评估""结构—过程性评估"这两种学说。"相对评估"总结出了一些托幼机构教育评估的要素。"结构—过程性评估"则涉及结构性、过程性、联系性三个因素。结构性因素涉及班级规模大小、人员配置、教师培养质量、照管的稳定性、健康与安全、环境创设、照管过程的结构化等;过程性因素主要是教师和幼儿的相互作用,结构性因素和过程性因素相互影响;联系性因素尚无方案化的评估模式,主要可能涉及领导者的领导风格、托幼机构的工作气氛、教职工的薪酬、工作条件、托幼机构的承办者以及政府对托幼机构的管理办法等。 The evaluation of the educational quality to the nursery-kindergartens is a problem that remains to be solved.Viewed from the international scope,"relative evaluation" and "structure-process evaluation" are the most influential two evaluation theories."Relative evaluation" sums up some important factors for the evaluation of nursery-kindergartens while the "structure-process evaluation" relates to the three factors of structure,process and association.The structure factors relates to the size of classes,staff allocation,teachers training quality,stable childcare,health and safety,environment facilities and structure-based childcare process.The process factors are mainly focused on the interaction between teachers and children.The structure factors and the process factors are inter-influential.The association factors still have no evaluation model,which may mainly relate to the leaders' leading styles,the working atmosphere of the nursery-kindergartens,teachers' salary,working condition,the managing approaches of the runners of nursery-kindergartens and the government,etc.
作者 张虹 胡亿军
出处 《湖州师范学院学报》 2015年第6期83-92,共10页 Journal of Huzhou University
关键词 托幼机构 教育质量 评估 相对评估 结构—过程性评估 childcare facilities education quality evaluation relative evaluation structure-process evaluation
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