
基于滑模的空中加油受油机会合制导与控制 被引量:1

Guidance and Control of Autonomous Aerial Refueling Rendezvous Based on Sliding Mode Method
摘要 为实现空中加油过程中受油机与加油机自主会合,建立满足会合要求的滑模控制面,设计相应制导律。根据受油机与加油机相对位置与速度得出受油机前向加速度指令。基于六自由度受油机动力学模型,采用时标分离将受油机的角运动系统分为快慢回路,采用动态逆方法分别进行系统设计和设计满足追踪会合要求的速度控制律,并以无人机自主跟踪加油机实现会合为例进行仿真。结果表明:该系统能引导受油机实现与加油机的会合,具有良好的动态性能。 This paper studies the guidance and control for UAV aerial refueling rendezvous problem. Based on the relative position and line of sight between the receiver and the tanker aircraft, the receiver rendezvous normal and lateral flight control command are generated using sliding mode method. The forward acceleration command is generated using the relative speed and range between the receiver and tanker. In flight control loop, based on the 6-DOF model, the angular rate loop and the attitude loop are separated based on time-scale and the control law is designed using dynamic inversion. Nonlinear digital simulation results demonstrate that the controller is capable of guidance the receiver rendezvous with the tanker, and has good transient performance.
出处 《兵工自动化》 2015年第6期79-84,共6页 Ordnance Industry Automation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(61273050) 航空科学基金资助(20121352026)
关键词 空中加油 会合 动态逆 滑模控制 aerial refueling rendezvous dynamic inversion sliding mode control
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