
广义强向量拟均衡问题组的解的存在性 被引量:1

Existence of solutions to system of generalize strong vector quasi-equilibriums
摘要 介绍并研究了一类广义强向量拟均衡问题组.通过应用P-连续、真P-拟凸和K-F-G不动点定理,得到了关于这类广义强向量拟均衡问题组的一些解的存在性定理.所得结果推广了已有的相应结果. In this paper, a system of generalized strong vector quasi -equilibrium problems is introduced and studied.By making use of the definitions of -continuity, proper -quasiconvexity and K-F-G fixed point theorem, the theorems on the existence of solutions to the system of generalized strong vector quasi-equilibrium problems are given.The results presented here extend the corresponding results in previous papers.
出处 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第2期101-105,共5页 Journal of Bohai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No:11371070)
关键词 P-连续 真P-拟凸 上半连续 K-F-G不动点定理 广义强向量拟均衡问题组 P-continuity proper P-quasi-convexity upper semicontinuity K-F-G fixed point theo-rem system of generalized strong vector quasi-equilibrium problems
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