

JIA Yi's Legal Though as the Inspiration for China Today
摘要 "前事不忘,后事之师"对今天法治中国的建设应取路径的意义,极其恰切。纵观贾谊所处的历史时代与当代中国所处的历史时期,二者应属于相同的历史相位。无论是今日法治建设的现实环境抑或是时代背景,亦不论外部环境或是"国际"背景,今天与贾谊所处的时代多有类似之处。贾谊于汉初之时,看到先朝因先进的制度而统一天下,因而主张刘汉王朝"重法";同样,他从秦亡的教训中又看到仅仅依靠法律,很难实现社会的长治久安,故而提倡"隆礼";针对汉初内部社会矛盾,积极主张"削藩"、"爱民"。今日之中国,与贾谊所处的内外矛盾的时代背景,再现惊人的相似一幕。中国若恢复威服四海的泱泱之势,必以先进的法律规制社会;但又绝不可"言必称希腊",应在法治建设中回归中国法律文化,重视中国的民族传统。今天中国面临的国内外环境,无不需以法治之。所以,中国法治建设应该重视贾谊法律思想对当代的昭示及镜鉴意义。 A Chinese proverb says: "The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future", which is much relevant to the legal construction in China. Compared Jia Yi' s time with contemporary China, similarities shared by the two historical phases can be revealed. Whether in terms of the social reality, the historical back- ground, the external environment or "international" background, there are many similarities between today and Jia Yi' time. At the beginning of Hart dynasty, Jia Yi found out the previous dynasty unified the world thanks to the advanced institution, so he advocated "the importance of law" in Han dynasty, while he also found out from the lessons of Qin dynasty' s downfall, namely, the difficulty in realizing the long - term social stability re- lied on law only, so he put forward "grand etiquette". In view of the internal social contradictions of early Han dynasty, he actively advocated "weakening the vassal states" and "loving the people". Today' s China is con- fronted with the similar internal and external glories of a great country, it should regulate contradictions of Jia Yi ' s time. If China determines to recover the the society with advanced law. However, we shall never "worship things foreign". The legal construction shall be rooted in Chinese legal culture, and importance shall be atta- ched to Chinese national tradition. Given the domestic and international environment, China should be gov- erned by law. Therefore, China should pay more attention to the reflection and significance of Jia Yi' s legal thoughts in contemporary legal construction.
作者 袁野
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《西南政法大学学报》 2015年第3期3-11,共9页 Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 贾谊 法律思想 法治 JIA Yi legal thought rule of law
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