为了构建玉米产量、品质与栽培因子的数学模型,本研究根据酿酒玉米生产区生态类型,选择有代表性的宜宾点进行试验,试验采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计,设种植密度、氮肥、磷肥、钾肥4个栽培因素,通过降维分析,研究不同密度和施肥对酿酒专用玉米产量和品质的影响,通过频次分析和模拟寻优,建立高效栽培模式。结果表明,种植密度与氮、磷、钾肥之间对产量具有协同增产和增效作用,低密度种植能改善酿酒玉米品质,增施氮肥虽提高籽粒淀粉含量,但也易导致籽粒蛋白质偏高,少施钾肥能减少籽粒脂肪含量;福康玉909最优栽培方式为:种植密度52 500株·hm-2,施氮量360 kg·hm-2,施磷量720 kg·hm-2,施钾量360 kg·hm-2。本研究结果为酿酒专用玉米产业化开发提供了技术参考。
This study was carried out to analyze the effects of cultivation measures on the yield,quality,and net income in order to provide the theoretical basis for optimal cultivation measures of multiple-grain Luzhou-flavor liquor special maize. Quadratic general regressive rotation,which was designed with four factors,namely,planting density,nitrogen rate,phosphorus rate,and potassium rate,was conducted to study the cultivation models of multiple-grain Luzhou-flavor liquor special maize Fukangyu 909, as well as determine their high yield, quality, and benefit in Yibin. The relationships among grain yield,quality,net income,and four experimental factors were used as quadratic functions.Some interactions among the experimental factors were observed. Under such conditions,the net income was 13,534Yuan·hm^-2,which was calculated by the distributing frequency statistical method and simulation optimization. The optimum cultivation parameters for high grain yield,quality,and high net income were as follows: planting density,5 200 kg·hm^-2; nitrogen rate,360 kg·hm^-2; phosphorus rate,720 kg·hm^-2; and potassium rate,360 kg·hm^-2. The analysis of relationships among grain yield,quality,net income,and four experimental factors provided the basis for Fukangyu 909 industrialization in the Southern part of Sichuan province.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences